Our Story

It all started after we measured the quality of air we were breathing in our village. The air pollutants (PM 2.5 particles) often goes over twenty times of the safe limit. It's a health emergency but it seems like people are not even aware of this. But, it affects everyone and the fact is - more than 10 lakhs people die every year in India due to diseases caused by air pollution.

Noise pollution is another serious problem in our village. People are blasting through loudspeakers all the time, even during night, causing serious disturbance to everyone around them. The issue is not limited to our village, Noise pollution is a serious threat to our peace and well being in nearby villages and, relatively better governed towns and cities as well.

There are a few more issues like water pollution, open defecation, etc., that affect our quality of life and health. Therefore, we are raising awareness about these issues through our awareness campaigns.

We're also working on educational projects that helps students in getting quality education, especially for the underprivileged who entirely depends on barely functional state owned schools.


  • AQI goes above 500 in winter
  • Stuble/Garbage burning is the leading cause of Air pollution here
  • AQI suddenly jumps in the evening and stays high till next day

Note : If you live here, please minimize outdoor exposure during evening and night, unless air feels cleaner (during rainy days or when the wind speed is high enough to disperse the particles in the air).

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